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do you think that consumers gained power as industry expanded

The problem with the “consumer power” theory is that the consumer isn’t necessarily the one driving the industry. That’s because it’s the industry that creates the consumer. The consumer is just a cog in the machine that drives the industry. The consumer is an incredibly powerful force that enables the industry to grow.

The consumer power theory is a bit of a paradox because the consumer is often the one driving the industry, but it makes more sense if we think that the consumer is the one driving the industry. In a consumer driven industry, the consumer gets to determine the direction of the industry. The consumer is the one controlling the flow of what happens within the industry, but that doesn’t mean he or she is the one deciding to expand the industry.

In the consumer-driven world, the consumer has the power to change the direction of the industry. This is because in that world, the consumer is able to exert his or her influence over the companies that he or she chooses to consume. Consumers are often the ones that decide to drive the industry in a new direction, but not the ones who dictate the direction.

Consumers are also powerful in that they can decide to expand the industry into areas that are not always in alignment with their own values. For example, in a consumer driven industry, consumers like the convenience of the product, and may choose to purchase products that are more convenient for them, but often have very different values than the consumer. Consumers are able to exercise their power when the industry is run in a direction that is not in alignment with their own values.

Although companies have the ability to make decisions that are not always in alignment with their own values, consumers don’t have the power to make the decisions, so it is harder for them to exercise their power. When consumers are able to exert their power, they are able to change the direction of the industry.

One of the things I like most about the way the movie industry works is how consumer power can be used to change its direction. When consumers can be used to change the direction of the industry, they are able to make the industry more aligned with their values. This is what we see in today’s movie industry, where consumers have the power to make it more aligned with their own values. Consumers have power when they can be used to change the direction of the industry.

In the movie industry, the consumers are the ones who become the filmmakers. The industry is the way the filmmakers make money. When the consumers can be made more aligned with their own values, they have the power to make the industry more aligned with their values.

This is a major problem with the movie industry, because there are so many different interests that are competing for the same consumers. The big studios are in it for the consumers, because they can use the consumers to make more money. The smaller independent studios are in it for the consumers, because they have the power to get more money. The small independent studios do not have the power to get more money because they don’t have the same interests that the large studios do.

But there is a major power struggle between the large studios and the smaller independent studios. The big studios have a monopoly on the movie industry, and have the power to turn the customers who buy movies into fans. The smaller indies often have to compete with the big studios for the same set of customers, because they dont have the same interests that the big studios do.

In the current movie marketplace, there are two major players: the big studios, and the indie studios. Some of the indie studios are very successful, but the large studios have the power (and are seen as the lesser evil) to turn the fans who buy movies into customers. But then there are the smaller indies which are more niche, because they cant seem to get enough customers.

Cormaci Devid

The most amazing person you will ever meet. I am the internet's original narcissist, and I'm not afraid to say it! My life is one big globetrotting adventure that only ends when death takes me away from all this beauty - which could be sooner rather than later if my health doesn't improve soon enough ( hospital visits are expensive ). But until then: onward into unknown territory...

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